Tourists try to rush to safety before the tsunami hit the Hat Rai Lay Beach in Thailand. The water had receded before the deadly wave struck.
The New York Times is carrying a lengthy story on the helpless apathy of the scientists monitoring the calamity and the victims who were caught in the middle.
here is a log of events as posted by NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:
Tsunami impacts of a catastophic nature could have been avoided if only scientists and government officials all over the world have a little bit of humanistic approach in discharging their duties.If animals could guess in advance about an Earthquake waiting in the wings,why should humans fail to be alerted in time?Even after knowing that the Quake occured why did they not detect where it occured and if so it is greater than 7 magnitude on the Richter scale,they should have predicted the onset of a Tsunami based on the location and type of slip at the quake site.
If a British school girl and a Geography /Biology teacher who were on vacation in Phket Beaches could detect the oncoming Tsunami and saved several lives why did Indian Scientists and officials failed to save many lives and priceless properties?
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