There are news stories breaking here [IHT], here [Houston Chronicle] and here [Boston Globe] on the rising stock prices of companies that make tsunami early warning systems. This in of itself is fair enough, but given that there are no free lunches in this planet, the countries that make these devices (and no marks for guessing that the 800lb. gorilla is indeed the USA) are hoping that in return for all the kindly help they've extended, the disaster hit nations will be decent enough to buy the early warning systems from their saviors.
In a related news worthy action, India refused all aid from the Western Saviors. Now, I wonder why ? (hmm...are you thinking what I am thinking ?)
I suspect all of the public angst that's being generated around the world at the tragic loss that was surely preventable is being channeled into profit.
It would be a travesty of the humanitarian aid effort if not only are the poor Asian countries left to deal with the after effects of the Tsunami, but are also forced to buy hand-me-down early warning systems at inflated prices from the west!
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